Seven Realities of Experiencing God

Jun 2, 2024

Transitioning from our recent series on seeking God, we now embark on a journey to **experience** Him in a transformative way. This Sunday, we will go into the **Seven Realities of Experiencing God**, drawn from Jesus's powerful encounter with Nicodemus.

Discover how moving beyond head-knowledge to heart-engagement revolutionizes our faith. We'll explore how:

* God is actively working around us, drawing us closer.

* He desires a real and personal relationship with each of us.

* He invites us to actively participate in His work.

* God speaks through His Spirit, guiding us through Scripture, prayer, circumstances, and the church.

* This invitation challenges our beliefs, demanding faith and action.

* Joining God requires significant life adjustments.

* True knowledge of God comes through obedience and witnessing His work through us.

Join us as we begin this life-changing journey of experiencing God's presence and purpose for our lives.

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Dr. J. Wayman Wells Jr. is the Lead Pastor and founder of New Birth Church in Murrieta and former lead pastor and founder of Mountain View Community Church, (The View Church) Menifee, CA. He has been pastoring for 25 years.


Dr. Wells holds a Bachelor degree in Social Science & Christian Education from Southern California Bible College & Seminary, Masters of Educational Leadership and Doctorate of Ministry from Gateway Seminary, Ontario, CA. (Formerly Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Mill Valley, CA)


Dr. Wells has planted several churches throughout the U.S. and serves as coach/mentor to many young pastors. He serves as President and Founder of Dr. J. Wayman Wells Ministries, a preaching/teaching ministry to mentor young men and teach servant leadership.


Our pastor has a missionary-apostolic heart and calling, leading his churches in the advancement of God's kingdom throughout the U.S., as well Kenya, Ghana, China & Mexico. Dr. Wells believes in the power of the gospel to save and the necessity and priority of the church to develop fully devoted disciples of Christ. He is excited to embark upon the call of God to lead New Birth Church into the purpose and calling God has for his people throughout the Inland Empire, California, and the world.


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